Skin Animation Giveaway & Meet the new Members

Hey what is up guys! So I am going to introduce you to the new members of the blog! So we have Stephanie Cullum, she is also a gamer especially Minecraft. She is currently beta testing 0.15.0 along with me!

Next there is Lily Swenson, a gamer as well but she plays Minecraft on a regular basis. She will mainly play "Geometry Dash" or "Thomas was Alone". You can follow her posts for any gamers who enjoy those games!

Our newest addition to the team is Tom lu! He is an awesome animator! He recently made me some animations for my skin!  In honor of his new entrance, we have decided to have a skin animation giveaway!

So the rules are that you can comment your email on this post and there will only be 3 winners! The three winners will be the 10th, 15th and 20th commenters! The winners will get to have their skin animated and choose what their skin will be doing (e.g. battling, killing, flying). After the winners are announced in Saturday's post, you can regularly email Tom lu for skin animation requests!

While requesting from him, check our website out. We currently only have Minecraft stuff posted buy by the Fall we will get more games out there. I will keep you up with the latest news from Minecraft, so visit regularly for cool stories. I will usually post beta links, what's coming in an update (PC Edition, Pocket Edition, Console Editions). Thanks guys and may the best win and as always... KEEP GAMING!

PikawattGamer//Jay Canny

P.S. I put some of Tom Lu's work for Stephanie Cullum and I!
