Next Battlefield title confirmed in 2018!

Hey, what's going on guys! Today I'm going to be talking about the next Battlefield game from EA and Dice! It has been confirmed by EA that they will release they're next Battlefield title next year. We have no word yet on what is to come and what comes next. We also do not know what to call this future game. Will it be simply Battlefield or what? It would actually seem that a lot of people want to see a Battlefield 5: Bad Company 3. This is only fans' demands.

There are however already hypotheses of what the next game will be themed upon since the company has circled around World War Ito World War II. If they were to pursue a World War II theme it would indeed look bright for the game franchise. On the other hand, with Call of Duty also releasing a WWII game, they may be seen as copying what the Call of Duty games are following.
A Battlefield game built and themed around the Vietnam War would also be quite interesting to play and is a highly possible game to come next year. Just as Call of Duty said they might do a Vietnam Warfare or something, if Battlefield hits this mark first, their future will look bright. They already brought it with the graphics and beauty of Battlefield 1, why not again. A Vietnam game would be very fun to play with and with their support of BF1 they can easily import similar graphics and bring us better guns and a feeling of immersive game-play.

If you are interested in a Vietnam based game from Battlefield keep it up. It is a possible future game. Thanks all you guys and have a #PikaPerfect day!

