Black Ops 4 - Official Trailer and Review

Hey guys! Boy, do I have something for you all today! Black Ops 4 is confirmed and since then, has been promoted by the Call of Duty franchise. This gave them a push enough to release a teaser trailer! So sit back, relax, watch it, and come back to talk about it!
That was a short but action-packed trailer! The pushed everything in there! So, what happened in there? What'd we see?

In the trailer, it opens up with a familiar intro. They open up, in fact, with a similar intro to Black Ops 1 when you start up the game; the flashing, the papers, the files, and mission log. Then the trailer opens up to show us the warfare showing what looks like an RC-XD or Remote Controlled Unit. This explodes and shows a man in combat. It's a man fighting a zombie; the Black Ops series is known for involving a zombies mode in their games so this is no surprise. Then we see game-play of what reminds me of the "Dragonfly" from Black Ops 2. However, when watching, I noticed it says +100 at the top Red Baron in the shape of the medals, for example:
To the left is the "Merciless" medal from BO3 earned from getting a chain of 10 kills without dying. This is different however because Red Baron is an aerial term. This probably explains why the object it shows looks like the Dragonfly.

Then the scene changes to a man crouched down and a man on what I assume are stairs which transitions to a zombie. After this sequence I saw hands and a bright light which looks like the beginning of the BO3 campaign. This would only make sense because after it shows more sequences featuring the Annihilator specialist (Seraph) and the Gravity Spikes specialist (Outbreak). Then it finishes with the logo, the date of release to the community and game release. Then it says some that may be key to know where it's headed:
"Forget what you know" 
This probably means that they are changing the style from old Black  Ops games and to forget those games.

Hopefully you guys are hyped for the full-release trailer and later the game. Thank you for stopping by and stay #PikaPerfect!

