What's changing...

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I was as absent as I was the past few months on Blogger. I have been working out things and changing things. It's not a logo change (yet), but it is significant enough to tell you guys. I will be making huge changes to the website, and the way I make and "sell" art. Nothing huge will happen to anything here but I will be changing the website host to Wordpress. They are another website similar to Blogger where I can upload more frequently and make it more simple for others on the team.

This was a difficult decision and I didn't know how well it'd work but it looks good so I'm going with it. Nothing in terms of content should changes except for additions. I am considering a page that is linked to my multiple social accounts where you can catch up and interact with me.

The change was necessary for me in many ways: First, simplicity. Wordpress luckily does have a mobile app so I can be working on the go. Also, as I'm approaching my college years it will make for a better schedule. This benefits not just me but also my comrade and good friend Robozombie1. I hope this does explain things and will be a change for the better. But as always, stay #PikaPerfect!

I'll see you all on the new site! (I'll link it later)

