Detective Pikachu: A Trailer Review

Hey guys! What's up! Today we have an exciting new post! I'm going to be giving an honest review of the new Detective Pikachu trailer! Yeah, I know. I don't usually do this but I'm trying new stuff with everything new here! So without further adieu, the movie will be releasing May 10, 2019 next year. Here's what we know: we wanted Danny Devito to do the voice, It doesn't have Danny Devito (boo!), Ryan Reynolds is doing the voice (Pika-pool!). It's nothing new okay! Let's jump in!
The trailer is above! So first thing that happens is we're introduced to Ryme city, if you're a Pokemon fan you know this is the city where they hold the annual Pokemon Carnival and also the setting of the original Detective Pikachu. They call it the "harmony between humans and Pokemon". The main character is named Tim as the professor calls him and he is revealed to have previously wanted to be a Pokemon trainer. However, he seems to have given up on that dream for some reason.

Then we're brought to his room where Tim hears rustling around his room and comes out with a stapler (some damage that'll do!). Am I the only one that loves to see the iconic Pikachu tail scurry across the room? Then, he's revealed: Detective Pikachu. What surprised me at first (but also dissapointed) was the voice was not Danny Devito and was, however, Ryan Reynolds after hearing and reading about it.

We are brought to understanding that... well... Tim shouldn't understand what Pikachu is saying.  As is now apparent he can hear every word he says whereas others hear the iconic "Pika Pika". Tim doesn't want a Pokemon but we are brought to know that he is in fact a "world class detective".  Pikachu then makes a promise to perhaps find Tim's father.

Then it switches to cheery view of Pokemon life (except live-action!) where we see Pokemon actually living in beautiful harmony. I personally thought it was awesome to see the kind of interaction usually seen animated in the show look so realistic. I know: I'm a geek. Get over it. Then we hear the best quote of the trailer: "There's magic that brought us together, and that magic is called hope." Then the trailer mostly concludes with Pikachu and Tim attempting to interrogate a mime who's more real than we thought (considering Pikachu crashed into a fake wall somehow).

Then there's the glorious casting: Ryan Reynolds (Pikachu and Justice Smith (Tim). Then finishes with Psyduck running from the glorious looking Charizard that looks hungry for some Pikachu.

I personally loved the trailer. Of course the fact that Danny Devito isn't voicing Pikachu dissapointed but I'm sure Ryan Reynolds won't disappoint with cheeky things to say. The trailer overall got me hyped! I am excited to most likely see it next year when I'll probably do another review (as a professional critic... not really). But otherwise, let me know what you thought in the comments and if you're excited for the upcoming movie as well.

Thanks again everyone and stay #PikaPerfect!

