Hello all my readers! I know I've continually said this post is coming and made it after so long. I really don't have a professional intro for this, I just want to address the future of this site. A lot of things will be affected during the next half a year or so. So I will address everything but fret not as no content will be deleted as well as the website. Everything is staying up, and we are just going through a change of pace. So let's delve into this.
*Quick note: Robozombie1 will probably have his own personal statement on the changes and his content.
I have been and always will be a gamer at heart. That being said, no gaming content will be removed. In fact the plan is to have all content more gaming-centered. I feel all the content has been very loose with the term "Gaming" and I want to focus more on that.
There will still be sub-categories (i.e. New Games, Game Updates, Gaming Tech), and each will be governed by our separate writers/authors as well as between different game-styles. Robozombie1 will still have his style of games and most likely write on those. I however will be focused on my style: Call of Duty, Minecraft (yes' it's come back), etc. There is still no stopping each of us from writing on each other's content for our own reasons or by convenience. In other words, I am still very much a gamer and don't plan on stopping ever, especially with my content.
I also want to take this time to remind and encourage all viewers to leave feedback so that we may make better content or improve our writing and topics. We'll happily read most if not all feedback to better our content. This is also a good time to mention the reboot of authors. I have removed all other authors leaving Robozombie1 and I as main administrators. We'll handle most content for now as we'll most likely find more new authors (or returning ones...) who can help us with keeping our schedule constant and less gaps between posts. That said onto the next part!
There is no surprise with knowing I enjoy and play music as a learning guitarist. However if you didn't know, there you go. I do want to keep most of my personal music work away from the site besides the occasional plug to me or my friends. Me and others are very passionate about what we do and I'll be promoting them from time to time without shame. Again this is nothing to worry about for the site otherwise than what was mentioned. I simply want to support others.
This also may include streamers in a possible sub-category for supporting small-streamers. But anyways, to the next part!
Now it's definitely no surprise I enjoy art and digital art as the logo was made by yours truly. That said, me and Robozombie1 are nearing the end of our high-school years and entering college years by next year. We both have our aspirations as students and will be more absent as we focus on important educational moments in our lives.
This is where we will take advantage of pre-writing articles and using the scheduled post settings to fill any gaps where we won't be able to be as active. This will take more work and it would mean a lot if you all stay with us during those sessions. It may be boring paying attention to a page with no-content or little constant posting, but I assure you we will be as diligent as possible to bring content back after those times.
All that said, we have covered nearly every thing except for Robozombie1's eventual statement which will be more separate from mine.
To finish, I'm proud to announce I plan to study Graphic Design professionally in college. I enjoy art and digital art has always intrigued me challenging myself with the capabilities of technology along with artistic minds. I have also photographed and edited all the images in this post. I even drew DC Comic's "The Question" as pictured above.
I hope you all know how much we are committed to you as readers even as we have our personal aspirations. I will not spoil Robozombie1's field of study or content for your own surprise. I am proud of what Robozombie1 has chosen to study professionally and hope you all support him in his choice.
All that said (phew, shout out to you if you read this far), I welcome you to our new start and can't wait for the future.
Thanks and stay #PikaPerfect as always!
*Quick note: Robozombie1 will probably have his own personal statement on the changes and his content.
I have been and always will be a gamer at heart. That being said, no gaming content will be removed. In fact the plan is to have all content more gaming-centered. I feel all the content has been very loose with the term "Gaming" and I want to focus more on that.
There will still be sub-categories (i.e. New Games, Game Updates, Gaming Tech), and each will be governed by our separate writers/authors as well as between different game-styles. Robozombie1 will still have his style of games and most likely write on those. I however will be focused on my style: Call of Duty, Minecraft (yes' it's come back), etc. There is still no stopping each of us from writing on each other's content for our own reasons or by convenience. In other words, I am still very much a gamer and don't plan on stopping ever, especially with my content.
I also want to take this time to remind and encourage all viewers to leave feedback so that we may make better content or improve our writing and topics. We'll happily read most if not all feedback to better our content. This is also a good time to mention the reboot of authors. I have removed all other authors leaving Robozombie1 and I as main administrators. We'll handle most content for now as we'll most likely find more new authors (or returning ones...) who can help us with keeping our schedule constant and less gaps between posts. That said onto the next part!
There is no surprise with knowing I enjoy and play music as a learning guitarist. However if you didn't know, there you go. I do want to keep most of my personal music work away from the site besides the occasional plug to me or my friends. Me and others are very passionate about what we do and I'll be promoting them from time to time without shame. Again this is nothing to worry about for the site otherwise than what was mentioned. I simply want to support others.
This also may include streamers in a possible sub-category for supporting small-streamers. But anyways, to the next part!
Now it's definitely no surprise I enjoy art and digital art as the logo was made by yours truly. That said, me and Robozombie1 are nearing the end of our high-school years and entering college years by next year. We both have our aspirations as students and will be more absent as we focus on important educational moments in our lives.
This is where we will take advantage of pre-writing articles and using the scheduled post settings to fill any gaps where we won't be able to be as active. This will take more work and it would mean a lot if you all stay with us during those sessions. It may be boring paying attention to a page with no-content or little constant posting, but I assure you we will be as diligent as possible to bring content back after those times.
All that said, we have covered nearly every thing except for Robozombie1's eventual statement which will be more separate from mine.
To finish, I'm proud to announce I plan to study Graphic Design professionally in college. I enjoy art and digital art has always intrigued me challenging myself with the capabilities of technology along with artistic minds. I have also photographed and edited all the images in this post. I even drew DC Comic's "The Question" as pictured above.
I hope you all know how much we are committed to you as readers even as we have our personal aspirations. I will not spoil Robozombie1's field of study or content for your own surprise. I am proud of what Robozombie1 has chosen to study professionally and hope you all support him in his choice.
All that said (phew, shout out to you if you read this far), I welcome you to our new start and can't wait for the future.
Thanks and stay #PikaPerfect as always!
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